Cancer: New Moon Musing

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Cancer Season Archetypal Astrology

Cancer connects us to the importance of home and hearth. It is our source of security and sovereignty. When I think about Cancer, I visualize a crab with a pearl balancing in its claw and home close by where it can safely retreat for rest. I also see Cancer as a protective mother archetype— a prequel to Leo and the birth of the lioness, the fierce fire mother.

This new moon in Cancer is testing our fluidity and asking us to become more of our true core selves. One big way this can happen is by tending to our mental-emotional side of nature. More than a few astrological aspects (the big one being Jupiter square to the new moon) will put us on a new trajectory that is more aligned with our highest potential, with the person we are meant to grow into. The overall theme is to acknowledge how you feel right now– and from that place of honoring your truth, communicate what you feel- do not hide. There is a reason for our emotions. There's no point in denying them.

The 4th house in Astrology symbolizes ancestry, maternal or caregiving figures in our life, and beliefs we hold onto.

For better work worst, this house shows our connection to our lineage, intuition, and how our emotions were suppressed when we were children. Childhood trauma can be held up in this house. One of the central questions when working with this house is how we can become our authority. In what ways can we honor our intuitive feelings and gut instincts? This house encourages us to figure out what makes us feel at home, including what we need to feel safe and at peace. This is an inside-out approach and easier said than done. Primarily since so many of us have been taught from a young age by our caretakers how to put up walls to keep us protected when this can be a false sense of security. Do you ever feel yourself retreating like the crab on the shoreline to keep yourself safe?

Instead, how can you help yourself emotionally identify what’s happening rather than avoiding the subject or hiding out? What can you do to help yourself cultivate inner confidence with your feelings and intuition? How can you provide comfort and safety through a practice of deep listening and holding emotional compassion?

There is gold within the shadow.

Within all facets of astrology, there are both high and low roads to the archetypes. Cancer's low is they fall into agreement easily. This water shadow doesn't like to rock the boat. Cancer energy can be privately emotional, inaccessible, and avoidant, with the reasoning that they don’t want to be a bother to the rest of the group. They can fear being seen as too sensitive or emotional and have trouble hiding their tears. Cancer can also make decisions based on the romanticized ideals and belief that they are emotionally stable and safe. When sadly, this can be a false, idealized sense of living a fulfilling life.

Often, a sign's shadow aspect is seen with more clarity when viewed side by side with the opposite sign. This gives us a holistic view of the whole chart. Cancer's opposite in Capricorn— a pioneering solo archetype, opting for self-reliance and stubborn tendencies. Cancer and Capricorn both can sidestep or avoid emotions when triggered and not allow themselves to be fully emotionally present with what is coming up for them. Whereas Cancer tends to sail towards silent waters, Capricorn goes off without telling you where they are going or when they will return.

Journaling with the New Moon in Cancer:

Where do I need to level up in my life, even if it feels awkward?

Who do I look up to? Who are the experts in the field I want to excel at that will help me grow and evolve in the direction that feels good to me?

How can I become emotionally literate with myself, especially when I see myself avoiding someone or a feeling?

What can I do to support my fluid nature, the water element within me? Can I find peace?


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