Readings with Chelsee

As a trained elemental astrologer, Chelsee brings a unique perspective to her practice, delving into the intricate connections between celestial elements and their profound influence on human experiences. Her journey into the realms of astrology was not merely academic; it began as a profound devotional act to cultivate self-love. This initial attraction has blossomed into a passion for guiding others through the complexities of their own lives.

Transformative Guidance

Chelsee is a seasoned elemental astrologer with an extensive background in the mystical arts. With over 7 years of dedicated study in astrology, she has honed her skills and emerged as a proficient practitioner and teacher. Over the years, Chelsee has actively engaged with one-on-one readings and teaching workshops, providing insightful readings and offering her services to numerous individuals, couples, families, and groups.

Chelsee's expertise extends beyond the virtual realm, as she has conducted readings in both virtual and in-person settings, contributing to a diverse range of events and retreat spaces. Her ability to connect with individuals on a personal level has earned her a reputation for providing meaningful and transformative insights.

In the pursuit of her craft, Chelsee remains committed to continuous learning and growth. Her astrological journey is marked by a relentless dedication to expanding her knowledge and refining her skills. Through astrology, she has not only navigated personal struggles and moments of confusion but has also discovered a profound sense of direction and focus.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Astrology readings focus on interpreting the positions of celestial bodies at the time of an individual's birth, providing insights into their personality, relationships, and life path. It uses personalized birth charts and considers planetary movements for future predictions.

    Tarot readings involve drawing and interpreting cards from a deck, offering insights into current situations, emotions, and potential outcomes.

    Tarot is versatile, addressing a wide range of questions, and it is not dependent on birth details. While astrology is more time-specific, tarot focuses on the present moment and subconscious influences. Both practices complement each other, offering clients a comprehensive understanding of different aspects of their lives.

    Each has their unique values, and often Chelsee works the Tarot into her Astrology readings.

  • The benefits are abundant. People get readings when they are seeking: to gain self-awareness, clarity in decision-making, and guidance in various life aspects.

  • Upon purchasing as astrology reading you will fill out a client information sheet where you will include your birth date, time, and location. This is the information that is needed to pull up your charts information.

  • This depends on what type of reading you want. It’s suggested to give yourself at least 5 minutes prior to the reading so you can get grounded, have a drink and find a comfortable space to receive.

    Tarot readings are shorter, since we are pulling cards. These usually last about 30 minutes and are useful for in the moment situations you’re seeking clarity with.

    Astrology readings usually are 60-to-90 minutes. In these readings we will cover a lot of ground and you will have time to ask questions and Chelsee will pull some Tarot cards as well.

  • It is encourage to ask questions and engage during the reading. This will only enhance the relevance and depth of your reading.

  • There is no specific “rule” for how often, but it can be helpful to get readings every quarter or every three months. This has proven to be helpful in mental health and in decision making.

    Chelsee offers quarterly subscriptions to Astrology Readings, as a way to support and educate her clients about the current and upcomming planetary transit, since they are constantly in motion and effecting our relative realities.

  • No, but they provide insights and guidance on time. They are not tools for predicting the future with certainty.

  • Readings are all virtual, we will be using Google Meet.

    There is the occasion I do readings at events, and these will be listed on the Events Page here.

Embark on a transformative journey with Chelsee, as she combines her rich background, refined skills, and unwavering commitment to help you navigate the celestial tapestry of your life with purpose and clarity.

Photos of Chelsee taken by Kate Sweeney