5 Ways to Recover from Burnout

Practices for recovering from burnout.

Lean into the ways herbs can help bring us back into balance. Here are a few herbal self-care tools you can turn to, especially if your needing to get grounded and back to feeling like your whole self.

  1. Enjoy grounding & warming foods to optimize digestion and stoke digestive fire, like broths and soups with lots of spices.

  2. Sip on nervine & mineral-rich herbal teas for extra support when you’re feeling depleted

  3. Take weekly baths (or foot baths) to ground and soothe your nervous system- make it extra by adding some ginger, mugwort, or even brewing some of our Queen Tea into your bath water.

  4. Spend time in the sunshine because it feels good

  5. Ask for help with anything you need, like cooking, cleaning because sometimes all we need is help because we don’t need to do everything on our own

Recover from Burnout with Herbal Remedies.

Incorporating easy and accessible wellness practices to support mental health and physical well-being is starting to be a conversation many of us are having. We don’t need to overthinking wellness anymore. The list above is here to support you during challenging moments. To spark the feeling of “I can support myself” without having to leave the house! It can be as simple as eating and getting adequate rest.

These are inspirations you can do to support feel-good brain chemicals.

Like #5 states, ask for help, sometimes we forget how to take care of ourselves, or we’re so depleted that we need someone to love on us and bring a pot of soup over or make us tea or even prepare a bath for us- so let this be a gentle nudge to be consistent with supporting yourself and your nervous system.


How to Take Herbal Remedies: Quick Tip Herbalism Guide for Beginners


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