Minerals and the Nervous System | Adrenal Cocktail Recipe

Minerals, Well-being, and Stress

Do you feel consistently stressed or have low energy all too often? Your body is probably mineral deficient. You’re not alone, as lifestyle, diet, and even food preparation has changed over the years- and our bodies have reacted. 

Our well-being evolves alongside the state of our nervous system. How we handle stressful situations and how long we live in a mental state of stress determines the future of our well-being. We can keep doing our best to change how we react and respond to stress, but it’s empowering to understand how we can support our body by understanding how stress hormones and minerals work.

Cortisol and adrenaline gifted to us by stressful moments keep us in a state of fight-flight-fawn, which quickly burns through your mineral bank. In an ideal reality, we want to strengthen our mineral reserves, not consistently burn through them. Here’s a quick run-through of the minerals our bodies need most.

Macro Minerals: What our Bodies Need

  • Magnesium- fuels over 3000 functions in the body; We need magnesium to maintain and balance energy, blood sugar, and blood pressure. It converts vitamin D in the body and relaxes muscles. When we don’t get enough magnesium, it tends to create adrenal insufficiency, where we can’t handle stress.

  • Sodium- is the vital electrolyte we need that affects the balance of blood pressure, blood sugar, and stomach acid. Low sodium leads to poor digestion and adrenal function. Food sources of sodium are sea salt, trace mineral drops, and fermented foods. Drinking too much water can deplete sodium in the body because when you pee, you’re peeing minerals out. Remember that most water we’re drinking is sterile and contains no minerals. When we’re drinking water without added minerals, our cells miss out on proper hydration. *Tip add sea salt to your water or get a good trace mineral supplement

  • Potassium- like magnesium- is intracellular, balances fluid and insulin, is sensitive to the thyroid hormone and helps our liver store glucose! Low Potassium symptoms are trouble falling and staying asleep at night, fatigue, constipation, and low blood sugar. Food sources are white potatoes, squashes, coconut water, and cream of tartar. *Look to the Adrenal Cocktail Recipe!

  • Calcium- works with phosphorus in the nervous system to help maintain pH in the body, reduce lactic acid, and support insulin release, aka blood sugar. If you’re getting too much, you can start experiencing: slower thyroid, restless legs, constipation, and kidney stones. If it’s too low, you see blood sugar issues, anxiety where you’re in a more fight-flight state, and histamine issues.

Supporting minerals in our body

Minerals are essential building blocks for the proper functioning of our body. If we don’t get adequate minerals, other physical and mental-emotional systems start to fail.

It’s just as important to get essential minerals in your body as it is to get a good sleep every night. You can do this through mineral-rich foods and herbs, adding trace mineral drops into your water, and having a daily Adrenal Cocktail. The effects of bringing minerals into you or your family’s life daily are astonishing and, for some, can be life-changing. Imagine feeling your energy come back to you! My first experience drinking an Adrenal Cocktail felt like I’d just had a shot of espresso- I felt so much energy return to me within the first few days- I wondered why I waited so long to do this. I kid you not; the energy I was flooded with filled my brain and fueled my body, returning me to my senses. Honestly can’t say enough about Adrenal Cocktails. I’m surprised more people aren’t talking about them!

It’s so important to remember; the body can truly heal itself if we support it with what it needs: minerals, rest, and deep breaths.

Adrenal Cocktail Recipe with Lions Heart:

4oz orange juice

2 droppers of Lions Heart elixir

1/4 tsp sea salt

1/4 tsp cream of tartar

1 tsp bee pollen (optional)


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