How to Take Herbal Remedies: Quick Tip Herbalism Guide for Beginners

Optimal Use:

  1. Consistency is key. You’ll feel the effects of remedies when you take them. All of our blends are formulated to be safe to take daily. The best way to use herbalism is every day! 

  2. Mix and match. We love to pair two remedies together. You can do this simply by adding your remedy of choice to water, tea, or juice. It doesn’t have to be anything fancy- if you’re already making coffee or a smoothie add some Lions Heart or Kava Chai in for extra magic feels. 

    How to:

    Tinctures- aka our Honey Elixirs: the absolute quickest and most direct way to get this remedy working is by taking your dropper directly into your mouth and holding it for 10 -30 seconds. This allows the medicinal components of the plants to enter your bloodstream directly. Taking your tincture this way ensures the effects are felt within 10-15 minutes. 

    Pantry Items- our herbal concentrates, teas, and matcha: activating the benefits of many herbs happens via hot water extraction. So for these items, we suggest boiling water and adding a spoonful into your favorite mug, stirring, maybe adding milk and sweetener into the mix, and doing your thing. 

Herbal Remedies 101

Extra Support: Experiencing Specific Symptoms

If you know you’re healing from chronic or long-term symptoms, it’s essential to know healing takes time. In this case, we suggest working with one or more remedies consistently every day for 2-3 weeks and then taking a week off. This helps your healing process.


Recipe | Morphic Matcha x Venus Power Latte


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