Self-Care Tools for Venus in Virgo: Overcoming Critical Mindset

Venus In Virgo

Venus, the Goddess of Love and the planet of feelings. In Astrology, Venus rules over both Libra and Taurus. This affects two key areas of your life: love and money. With Venus in Virgo, you can tap into those feelings to get things done. Virgo loves nothing more than completion and a feeling of wholeness through healing and communication.

Let our Venus Power elixir soften your sharp edges and sweeten your thoughts — we don't need to be right, we need to be loved.

What We Can Learn In Virgo

  • How can you be more practical when achieving and completing something?

  • Have a heart-to-heart. Communication is complex, but you have to be honest with yourself. Are you overthinking it or being a perfectionist about what you'll say?

  • Channel your feelings and do something useful with them— clean, communicate, and stop procrastinating.

  • Remember, you can do hard things. It's not the end of the world if you're vulnerable— it just means you're human.

Mercury Retrograde

Mercury is the planet of communication, in the form of the way we communicate to others, to ourselves, and in the way, we take in information — speculation and judgment included. Mercury works from hyper-critical to being highly curious.

When Mercury is in Retrograde— which happens on September 10, 2022, we will hopefully overcome our own Mercury Mindset. I think Mercury Retrograde periods are times to reconsider and remember things we've said and acted upon and to consider if those things are still a part of my truth. If you've been feeling like making choices has been difficult, once this transit passes at the beginning of October 2022, you will hopefully have the answers and clarity you've been seeking.

We have to learn to let go. Letting go looks like a few different things, but just like Fall when the leaves shed or when flowers die back — just like nature, we are also seasonal beings. There's power and beauty in letting go. It usually doesn't feel easy for humans, so we must practice that's the gift of Mercury Retrograde. What better place to start than mindset!

We have to face certain character traits to level up and not be so critical in the future. We meet our shadows to shine light onto the shitty aspects of ourselves to become brutally honest with ourselves.

Mercury Retrograde can take us on a shadow work journey to self-actualizing.

Things To Let Go Of In Mercury Retrograde

  • Hypercritical mentality

  • Overthinking

  • Judgmental thoughts that keep us separate

  • Othering people

  • Not asking for help when we really need it

  • Ruminating

  • Holding back emotions and vulnerability

  • Reverting to anger and yelling to feel heard

Bring Remedies into Your Self-Care Tool Kit

  • Venus Power Elixir for activating the heart, if you feel like your heart’s grieving or like theres swords piercing your heart take this remedy.

  • Vagus Nerve Oil for relieving tension in your muscles, the smell is intoxicating to both mind and body.

  • Special Smoke Blend for when you need rest from overthinking and seeking time for reflection but you feel stuck.

  • Brain Food for those moments where you need to get shit done but your stuck in perfectionist mindset.


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