Coffee Alternatives with Brain Boosting Benefits

“You don’t have to sacrifice the ritual of making yourself a cup of something in the morning, and you may like the idea of drinking a coffee substitute—especially a decaf one—later in the day. “

“Starting the day with a cup of coffee—whether it be decaf, black, or an iced latte—is a given routine for many people. You’ll see countless images of coffee preparation and drinking while scrolling social media, and it’s within reason to consider it a daily essential for most of us. Yet, coffee isn’t always the best way to perk up in the morning, as it can lead to increased anxiety, gut troubles, or a costly spending habit.”

— Read this excerpt and the full article linked here!

Kava Chai is a great alternative but also makes a delicious addition to your cup of coffee. If you’re sensitive to caffeine Kava Chai is totally caffeine-free. For those who aren’t looking to necessarily give up their coffee fix, no worries— just stir in a scoop of the concentrate into your coffee and feel kick the caffeine jitters out.

Kava Chai is hybrid of a Golden latte, Ayurvedic Chai Masala, with a medicinal dose of Kava for good measure!

As Liv notes in her article “My go-to chai is the Kava Chai concentrate made by Conscious Seed. The blend is made from raw honey, kava root, ginger, cardamom, turmeric, and cassia cinnamon. The chai is decaffeinated, so you can drink it any time of day. It comes in a jar and is the consistency of a nut butter. Simply make a cup by stirring a spoonful into a mug of hot water. In the summer, I also pre-make a large mason jar of chai to store in the fridge for quick drinks. “

Brain Food is an easy coffee alternative. Theres a cult following for sure with this stuff and we think its because what else is supposed to happen when you blend raw cacao with adaptogenic herbs, nootropics and medicinal mushrooms like lions mane and reishi! It’s pure bliss in a jar. Mix it up into your cuppa and voila you have an instant mocha that supports brain cognition, helps your body release stress and burnout, and is good for you. Bravo is what your brain will be saying to you all day.

Honestly, if you want to give coffee a break it might be difficult to go from having 2-4 cups a day to none. So you might want to ease into the zero caffeine to prevent the impending mood swings and headaches.

What we suggest is taking some elixirs that can support you through your transition. But also trying to ween off caffeine with drinking Yerba Mate. This plant deserves a post all to itself, so we’ll keep it short and say trust us and try it for yourself! Mate is a really delicious energizing brewed tea that gives you the most clean feeling energy, its in both our Equilibrium and Solstice teas.


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