Meet Moody Bloom 

Like seasonal transitions, we're constantly evolving from one state to the next. We each have unique cycles and systems, and even when we're at our best herbal remedies can bring us more joy and ease. You may notice times of day when your energy dips or times of the month when you need more support- those times are perfect for leaning on the wisdom and healing of nature. Nature's medicine doesn't always need to follow illness- it can be preventative too. You may already have flirted with Conscious Seed's Elixirs, like Venus Power and Lions Heart, which help open the heart space and calm anxiety. Now you can also lift your mood and tune into your thoughts with our newest elixir, Moody Bloom.

Moody Bloom was crafted carefully, patiently, and lovingly with nerve nourishing ingredients, including Rhodiola, fresh Mimosa Flower, Hibiscus Flower, Reishi Mushroom, Tulsi, and Gotu Kola. This elixir is absolutely delicious and reminiscent of taking a walk through a garden in full bloom, which inspires a profound connection between the heart and the mind. Moody was formulated to support mental health- specifically in treating emotional irritability. A dropper-full of Moody Bloom replaces feelings of moodiness with a peaceful disposition. Opening your heart and mind to more vibrance, so you can explore balance and wisdom within these spaces. Moody Bloom reminds you of the magic in the mundane. Which is to say, you can feel those simple life moments with deeper appreciation and understanding. 

Nourish the heart, calm the spirit

Moody Bloom is folk-crafted to help people love their lives, especially the simple day-to-day. It's worth trying if you're open to experiencing a brighter day and receiving a natural mood lift. Moody Bloom can help in transitional moments as well as support when you feel you're in a funk and feeling blue. You can create a ritual around the elixir or add it to any routine you already have, any time of day. It's adaptogenic and serotonin-boosting and adds happiness to your daily practice by using botanicals that lower cortisol levels so you can take advantage of the anti-inflammatory benefits, eradicate free radicals, and support healing in your brain and nervous system.

Some of our first product testers reached for Moody in the afternoons to ease the transition between a busy workday and the open evening. One tester said Moody allowed her to "roll with the flow more." And while Moody Bloom has a stimulating citrus flavor, it can also help you slow down and tune into your body's somatic fluctuations. You'll feel a calm come over you, and your breath may feel more resonant and potent. Try taking a dropper before meditation or journaling— it'll help put you in the mindset to reflect, manifest, and observe the mind. 

Herbal Solutions Supporting Depression

Moody Bloom is crafted with Rhodiola, Mimosa Flowers, Hibiscus, Reishi, Tulsi, and Gotu Kola to support your body and healing. The elixir is serotonin-boosting (hence the name!) and has cognitive activators. The remedy lowers cortisol levels, which in turn helps us regain memory when we're less stressed. Rhodiola is an adaptogen studied in labs and is known to "increase the sensitivity of neurons to the presence of dopamine and serotonin," which essentially helps improve focus and mood and supports people with memory loss due to depression. The Mimosa and Gotu Kola are cognitive aids whose function is to ease anxiety and worry while promoting mental health. 

Activate a distinct before & after

Think of a stressful aspect of your daily life, and imagine it being easier to handle. Maybe it looks like finding the silver lining in what challenges you. Perhaps it means you have more space for thinking before reacting. Maybe it allows you a few moments to be with yourself before you need to tend to others. Moody Bloom is formulated—not just to bring you happiness but to ease the pressure you feel by creating moments where you can feel good without trying hard. 

A group of close friends tested Moody Bloom as it was in formulation, and their insights expanded the idea of what the elixir can do for each of us. Some women found it a gentle companion for heavy-hearted times, taking a dose when they felt disconnected, disembodied, detached, or frustrated at the state of the world. Moments later, they felt the silver lining, "unbinding emotions" that guided them to a softer, calmer state of mind. Anxiolytics, this class of herbs, work by balancing neurotransmitters and stress hormones. Rather than leaning into the moody blues, turn to Moody Bloom as you would to our CBD pre-rolls or Lion's Heart to calm nerves and elevate into a heart-centered state of mind.

Others compared the feeling of the elixir to an edible, with the sensation in the head and feeling more intimately connected. Moody Bloom "slows me down enough to hone in on my thoughts and what's coming up, rather than avoiding what I'm going through." The formula has cognitive activators, like stimulants but without the side effects, making it perfect for a creative burst. Another tester said, "It takes me a minute to calm down from the heavy, almost euphoric feel and get grounded. It almost feels like the channels open up to receive from the divine and then have the ability to move whatever it is into action." Moody helps you tap into the felt sense within your body. It's a full-on psycho-somatic experience that reconnects you back within your body, fully attuned and aware of your thoughts and values. 

When I take a dropper of Moody Bloom before yoga or meditation, I feel like a better version of myself: still, receptive, open. The flavors bring me into the present moment, and the emotional effects of the remedy help me return to my body even in frazzled moments, making the elixir that much more important in my routine. 

Bloom into happiness 

The initial Moody Bloom testers describe its taste as "amazing, with hidden hints of citrus" and "like refreshing bubbly water." They reached for it when they needed help focusing, calling in the creative muses before meditation or going into the garden, and when they desired a boost in dopamine.

I turn to Moody Bloom when I feel my energy drop in the afternoon, when my moods are swinging low, or when I notice my thoughts keep taking me for a spin in the wrong direction-- which is when I pair Moody Bloom with Lions Heart or a tea. A few minutes after I take a dose of the elixir, I feel the curtains of my mind open, I see colors brighter, and a smile inevitably comes to my face. It reminds me to drop my shoulders and take fuller, deeper breaths. It's the most charming feeling. I love even just taking a drop or two like you would a flower essence just for the taste—it's like an effervescent rose and bitters all in one. I've taken a dropper under the tongue, a glass of water, and a yogurt & fruit bowl, all equally delicious. 

Liv Birdsall

List-maker, thinker, soccer-fan, and all-around potato lover. Liv spent her childhood on East Coast but is now a Buckeyes fan living in Columbus, Ohio. When not working full-time in digital textbook publishing, she can be found teaching yoga, talking to her plants, reading, collaging, or watching Fleabag on repeat. You can read her content across several publications, as well as on her blog

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