5 Ways To Start Remembering Your Dreams

  1. First off, don't put pressure on yourself, or continue to tell yourself that you can't and are't dreaming. Be easy but active in your practice. By being active I mean try your best to give yourself optimal sleep hygiene. 

  2. What is your sleep hygiene?

    • How are you going to bed feeling, thinking about?

      -perhaps if you’re going to bed feeling something unsavory try reading a book or taking a shower, journal or pull some cards [doing something to break up that feeling]

    • Are you usually on screens 1-2hours before bed?

      -try not to be watching anything before bed, in knowing this can be difficult but what we take in before sleep can effect our dreams and our overall sleep.

    • Are you struggle with falling sleep and/or stay asleep?

      -you’re not alone, this is something that unfortunately effects a whole lot of us. try doing one or some of the things I mentioned above [showering, journaling, reading a book] you can also check out our remedy Dream Cloud

    • How do you wake up, could it be more gentle in any way?

  3. Upon waking, we suggest you keep very silent, move slowly and try to get to journaling your dreams as soon as possible. In this we dont suggest you go brush your teeth or wash your face, touching water can quickly get us out of the dream state. Ask your partner and/or your dog the night before if you could have space in the morning to be in silence so you can work with your dreams from the night before.

  4. If you don’t already have a dream journal started we suggest getting one going! We believe that when you start journaling your dreams, your psyche and subconscious mind see what you’re up to and quite enjoy the attention. There will be moments when you don’t have much to journal about, again thats totally normal, even in these times writing down a piece of your dream can be helpful. As more becomes clear, we suggest journaling as if you're telling a story [in a way thats exactly what is happening]. The more you do this the easier it gets, and over then you’ll have a wonderful collection of your dreams, that allows you to keep better track of where you’re at in your life.

  5. When we started incorporating plants into our sleep and dream practice the world opened up so much wider. This is a form of dream activation [another level of dreamwork], incorporating plants into our nighttime routine can be in the form of using a massage oil, tincture or ritual smoke medicine.

    -Mugwort is an amazing ally for dreaming. It’s a herb thats been worked cross-culturally it’s akin to the moon and is known to activate dreams. If you are feel vulnerable or are prone to nightmares Mugwort assists in protection. 

~ Tip to Remember ~

Like the law of attraction, the more attention you give something the more you start to see it show up in your life


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