Conscious Seed

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The Vagus Nerve: Your Secret Weapon For Fighting Stress

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Stress, a friend we’re all too familiar with, especially with global pandemics, workaholism, and the general state of our lives being in general disarray. Luckily, our bodies were designed to fight stress, and our Vagus Nerve Oil is about to become your body’s greatest ally.

Ever heard of “fight or flight?”

When we experience sudden, high stress, this triggers our fight or flight response, turning our bodies into fighting machines or flighty beings. Everyday stressors don’t often let us run and hide, and they can’t always be easy to fight off. During periods of chronic high stress, the body stays in high gear, with stress hormones like adrenaline and cortisol coursing through the body. This creates wear and tear on the body and mind, and over time can create a multitude of health problems such as chronic pain, anxiety, mood swings, gut inflammation and so many more.

So, it seems we’re left without many options, or are we?

The good news is that our bodies contain their own superpower that can help us lower our fight or flight response.

The vagus nerve system acts as a counterbalance to the fight or flight system and can help us get into relaxation mode when we need it – and who doesn’t need more chill?