Conscious Seed

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New Year Routine with Herbalist and Founder Chelsee Joel

I struggle with doing the same thing every day— blame it on the combination of my Gemini mid-heaven and my squiggly brain. When it comes to New Year's resolutions, I have mixed feelings-- for one, the astrological year doesn't restart till March 21st with the beginning of Aries season, but also, resolutions feel like I'm setting myself up for disappointments. I believe we can change something when we have the epiphany to make a change!

I like to go with the flow of the day, so some days I wake up with the sun, and others I sleep in. I've learned body literacy, which requires a lot of rest and stillness. That's due to years of stress, mental health revelations, and burnout that I'm constantly tending to.

With that all said… one thing that hasn't gone out the window is my self-care routine. I'm consistent and devoted to my AM + PM routine, and I'm pretty proud. I'm trying to focus on healing my people-pleasing tendency and my addiction to working— it feels like a lot. Still, it's taking a toll on my liver and hormones. I'm into accessible self-care and not giving in to the hype of needing to purchase all these fancy gadgets to help me help myself. Still, this past year, I started going to acupuncture monthly to help open up the channels and get back into balance. I'm in my 30s, and I know that to keep up with the pace I'm going, I need to do this to help my future self. But I make time at least once a day to journal, which allows me to mentally process and mind-dump thoughts and helps me process the revelations I'm having. I sense life in a new light these days and know I can be my best friend or biggest critic.