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Aphrodisiacs: Arousing Array of Libido-Lifting Favorites

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Libido-Loving Herbalism

The human body is designed to experience pleasure. Working consciously and consistently with libido lifting plants allows our bodies to remember and continue to evolve the definition of what pleasure means too each of us.

How to work with Aphrodisiacs: add them into your daily routine, something as simple as adding cacao into you morning coffee or smoothie. For something more ritualistic, bathing or anointing yourself with certain plants and oils can activate the wellspring of self-producing neurochemicals that turn us on to life’s pleasures.

Why work with aphrodisiacs? These plant allies have the ability to heighten intentions, be a powerful manifesting tool, deepen physical and spiritual pleasure, create a more intimate connection to yourself and your partner(s), and has the ability to transmute the emotions of longing into devotion.

Our biology is generous, yet lays dormant if not nourished. For some of us to activate our libido we need to relax our mind, where as for others, we need to feel stimulated and energized. Throughout our lifetime and monthly hormone fluctuations our libido can change, today we will be discussing some plants that have ancient use in their power to activate libido, and in supporting the journey to liberating our ultimate pleasure.

Origin of Aphrodisiacs

First, let’s quickly go over the origin and meaning of what Aphrodisiacs and Libido are. Throughout human history, food, drinks, and behaviors have had a reputation for turning us on, ie. Libido. Making actions and desire toward sex more attainable and/or pleasurable. Aphrodisiac is a noun that describes a "preparation which excites sexual desire," from the Latinized form of Greek aphrodisiakos means to "induce sexual desire," and from Aphrodisios, "sacred to Aphrodite," the Greek goddess of love and beauty, also known as Venus.

  1. Stimulating Aphrodisiacs


Chocolate, xocolatl comes from the Mayan people of modern day South America. Legend has it that cacao seeds were brought from paradise and that wisdom and power came from eating the fruit of the cacao tree. Today we still praise this magical bean for its luscious, stimulating, melt in your mouth bliss especially when mixed with cream and sugar. This is a sacred food and can be enjoyed throughout the day and into the evening, if you are sensitive to any sort of caffeine be aware this plant has the potential to keep your body and spirt activated for long periods of time. It’s known to bring on feelings of inner bliss and is a wonderful ally in raising our spirits, and bringing on feelings of joy, celebration and rejuvenation especially after a physical or mental activity. It’s a beautiful ritual to be enjoyed alone, but highly recommended to be shared, as it is with all Aphrodisiacs.

Chocolate is known to activate Endorphins, which are produced in the central nervous system and help us deal with physical pain and assist us in moments of “fight flight”. A food rich in magnesium, an essential nutrient our bodies need to recover, feel balanced and stay healthy. Cacao is also a vasodilator, it opens and circulates blood throughout the body, and is the reason Cacao is known as a heart opener.


Ancient Aztecs used the leaves as a powerful sexual tonic and stimulant, second to chocolate with qualities that are slightly warming and stimulating, but not like caffeine. Damiana is known to be a nerve tonic that reduces anxiety and relieves feelings of depression, with the origin of its name as the “wild one who tames." It supports the body in producing Oxytocin, the hormone that provides us with feeling cozy warm and loved. Traditionally folks have and still do enjoy smoking it, as well as making teas or infusing it in alcohols and taking it as a tincture or energetic essence.


A pleasant, slightly smoky tea that nourishes, warms and stimulates. Originating from the Guarani people, the Yerba Mate tree is known as a gift from the gods; they used its leaves as a drink and currency in their exchanges with other prehistoric cultures. Since it has much less caffeine than coffee, it is a great alternative for those who cannot or do not wish to drink coffee, yet desire to remain stimulated, revived and more alert. The energy of Mate is abundance, bringing to mind the idea of the “money tree” concept which is spread across cultures worldwide. Traditionally it’s been a drink shared with friend’s, family and loved ones, from the same cup or vessel, symbolizing a ritual of bonding and unifying.

2. Aromatic Herbs


When you light a candle or incense, apply perfume or are cooking something delectable in the kitchen, what is your response to the smell? Usually, it’s a sound of pleasure to the senses, something spoken aloud like “yum!” or “mmhm, wow”. When an aroma hits your nose it activates the limbic system in your brain, flooding you with emotions and memories. If it touches on those emotions enough, it’s as if the essence of the gods are called forth into your body.

Aromatic herbs express their potential by the oils they produce, you stimulate your senses and commune with those aphrodisiac qualities by engaging with those oils. From a therapeutic position, aromatic herbs are known to aid blood circulation, open up the airways, assist digestion and uplift the senses. Many aromatic herbs are also Nervines (which will be discussed in our next section), they support the body via the digestive and nervous systems, and activate the limbic system . A number of these plants are commonly used in preparation of our favorite dishes and drinks, and are known as the “soul of the kitchen”.

Common Aromatics: ginger, cinnamon, basil, rosemary, marjoram, parsley, dill and mint.

3. Relaxing Aphrodisiacs


A nourishing and relaxing adrenal tonic that, with consistent use over time, has been known to enhance natural libido. It's also recognized for its ability to calm, soothe and strengthen the body, functioning as a powerful adaptogenic root. This makes it excellent to take daily for fatigue and exhaustion, clinical studies have shown that it can help fight depression and boost brain health, fertility and testosterone.


From east to west, this plant has been used throughout the entire world; connecting the lives of great ancient leaders and saints to even the most common denizen. Traditionally anointed all over the body, but more commonly smoked or eaten in delicacies and sweets, cannabis has been used since antiquity as a plant that works within the liminal space of our thoughts and subconscious mind, even into the spirit realm. In Istanbul pastilles were made from hash (a concentrate of Cannabis), honey, saffron, ginger, fennel, cardamom and roses. Hemp seeds were customarily roasted and salted to be served at wedding dinners. During medieval times, it was taken as a ritual drink.

At first this powerful herb can be stimulating, eventually taking on sedative-like effects. In the context of Aphrodisiac effect, it can amplify sexual sensations, enhancing the senses of two beings joined as one.


A Polynesian root with its dreamy, euphoric qualities, is traditionally drank in a social setting, to open up communication and help people connect. In a more private settling Kava can be intentianally consumed to activate sensual body feelings. Kava is inherently relaxing to the body and mind, it can eliminate overthinking that leads to an anxious mind and allows the body and muscles to relax and release tension so we can receive with more ease. Sensuality is different for everyone, and in my experiences with Kava my partner and in large groups, Kava’s great gift is to open our heart and relax the critical mind so we can be more receptive to the many ways love comes in.

4. Nourishing Aphrodisiacs


Harvested as a root and ground into powder, Eleuthero, a part of the Ginseng family, is a tonic herb with deeply restorative effects, and is a known adaptogen- helping our body to manage stress. Eleuthero is a mood booster; granting a more positive outlook, bolstering physical stamina, and strengthening the adrenal glands, in turn balancing the hormones present in men and women. When our bodies are well nourished and supported we’re not letting stress get the best of us, and in turn we are better able to connect intimately to ourselves and our partners.

5. Nervine Herbs


Relaxing, healing and nourishing to the mind and body; Nervines are calming to our nervous system and are known to "smooth the edges". This class of herbs is particularly helpful in providing a healthy immediate response to stress, or an anxious mind, whereas adaptogens build in your body over time to provide similar support. Imagine, if you’re consistently worried or anxious, it be pretty hard to relax enough to stop and smell the roses, let alone allow yourself to get in the libido boosting mood.

Common Nervines: milky oats, skullcap, lavender, passionflower, lemon balm, cat nip, chamomile, mint's, hops.


Botanica Erotica: Arousing Body, Mind, and Spirit - Diana De Luca

Anima Mundi